Letos je med 4. in 8. septembrom potekalo IRO WCH 2024 Svetovno prvenstvo reševalnih psov na Finskem. Vodniki in psi so se pomerili v treh različnih disciplinah. Dva tekmovalna para sta zastopala tudi naš klub in z velikim veseljem objavljamo, da je nas član Alarico Sberlati dosegel prvo mesto v iskanju na ruševini ter s tem postal svetovni prvak! Iskreno pa čestitamo tudi članu Luci Telesu za dobro uvrstitev na ipo (iskanju v naravi). Na oba smo izjemno ponosni in se zahvaljujemo, za odličen zgled, ki ga dajeta celotni ekipi!
From 4th to 8th September this year, the IRO WCH 2024 World Championship for Rescue Dogs took place in Finland. Handlers and dogs competed in three different disciplines. Two competing pairs proudly represented our club, and we are delighted to announce that our member, Alarico Sberlati, achieved first place in the rubble search, becoming the World Champion! We also extend our heartfelt congratulations to member Luca Telese for his strong performance in the IPO (searching in nature). We are incredibly proud of both of them and are grateful for the excellent example they set for the entire team!